Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kevin and Connie Visit - Day One

Okay, so today we had a nice family picnic at one of our favorite places ... Highland Park. Yes, that's where the Monster Park is ... though we just went for a picnic and cookout and bike ride.

We had hamburgers, brats, watermelon, lemon bars ... a whole bunch of nice things. Then, after lunch, we went bike riding or roller blading. Papa, Kevin, Heidi, and Heather were the roller blade people and everyone else - Me (Mimi), Connie, Chuck, Lyss, her boyfriend Jake, Scott, and Brent were all on bikes.

Kev, Connie, and I were by ourselves trying to catch up to the others ... we never did, but we had fun. Kevin would grab onto the back of our bikes and get a lift when he was too tired. Lots of fun. Then, when we got back, everyone was playing different things - beanbag toss, throwing a football around, or playing catch with a baseball.

Finally, it was time to go home and we had to show Kevin and Connie the most important thing at that park...


So, now we're back home. Tomorrow - the State Fair!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome To Our Blog

This blog is meant for Jack, Nick, and Max ... but anyone in the family can join and follow if they want. You have to promise not to tease us for sounding too grandparenty, but I suppose you can use the Boring reaction button if you have to.

Comments are totally welcome ...